The Great Cameo Experience
The cameo is a great experience for a gentleman who has not yet had all of his fantasies fulfilled or who wishes to spice up a booking with a regular lady. This gives you the fulfilment of the fantasy of spending time with two ladies. Sometimes one lady is not enough for your thoughts of the day or you simply wish to have two ladies pamper you. This experience is consensual, so if you have a favourite lady, maybe enquire with her who she is also happy spending time with and who she thinks will be compatible with her.
Cleos on Nile recommends 45 mins or one hour for this experience. The cameo lady is with you for approximately 15 mins. The remaining time you can enjoy with your main lady. So don’t be shy, ask our gorgeous ladies about which other ladies they are comfortable being with. You may be attracted to one lady for the longer session but this experience allows you another lady for some variety. The cameo experience is one of the ultimate experiences we can offer at Cleos on Nile. Our attentive ladies are here to allow yourself to satisfy your wishes, spoil yourself and live life to its fullest, so make time and allow yourself to be the spoilt man every man dreams about.