best brothels - Beautiful lady in her black lingerie kneels to approach a shirtless man in white brief lying

Maximize Your Time with Your Favourite Ladies!

Ladies can get a lot of judgment sometimes, even from their clients. Even though she is a sex worker, it is important for you to respect her, just as you would in a relationship. If you’re a regular, you basically have a relationship, even if it is based on business. Best Brothels: Respecting Your Lady […]

Pain during sex - Naked man on top of a woman in sexual pain and pleasure

The truth about sexual pain and how to deal with it

Too many people are quick to dismiss pain during sex as either a sexual dysfunction or worse still as a necessary part of the act. However, for women who experience it, feeling any kind of sharp irritation, discomfort or sensitivity in or around the genitals isn’t something to be joked around with. A lot of […]

sexually incompatible - A lady under the sheets stting on the bed while using her cellphone. A man sitting at the edge of the bed looking worried.

Sexual Incompatibility in Relationships

Sexually incompatible issues quite complicate new relationships. Between trying to sort out your feelings and the thrills and excitement of just getting to know each other, so many things can get overlooked. But after those first few weeks or months, things start to settle down a bit and most couples start to come to the […]

food for healthy sex life - Lesbian couple sexily eating cherry

Eating your way to a healthy sex life

Discover The Food for Healthy Sex Life The experts say certain foods can help to keep your blood pumping and boost hormone levels. Here are some foods recommended to increase libido and improve circulation. Uninterrupted blood flow is crucial to sexual response in both men and women. Seafood Now we have all heard that oysters […]

Mistress and slave - A lady's strapped heels pressing on a man's left cheek.

Why Mistress and Slave is the New Black!

Well, the time has come: mistress and slave can be talked about over your morning cereal. Gone are the days when such discussion would be Shhh’d or shut down, and people would look down their noses and dub the conversation inappropriate. When did this big change all come about? Was it when millions of women […]

Sexual Anxiety - Woman in her pink and black lace lingerie on the lap of a man in white shirt and pants

The Fear of the First Encounter

Sexual Anxiety While many men like women to believe that they are the kings in the bedroom, sometimes this just isn’t the case. Many men have sexual anxiety performance, especially when you’re interacting with someone for the first time. News flash: There’s nothing wrong if this happens to you. It is perfectly natural to feel […]